Asbestos: The Secret Hitchhiker

Today, those most heavily exposed to asbestos are workers in construction trades.

However, because asbestos can cling to clothes, someone in the construction trade could unknowingly take asbestos particles with them off-site.

The Importance of Proper Asbestos Handling Procedures on Construction Sites

Asbestos particles can cling to your clothes and then be carried home, causing secondary asbestos exposure among family members.

If you have been removing asbestos or working on a site that has asbestos, it is essential that there is a high level of hygiene and that the asbestos procedures are followed.

Before leaving the site, ensure that you change out of your work clothes, bag your work clothes up and launder them as soon as possible.

What you may think is just dust could be asbestos particles.

Understanding the Risk of Secondary Asbestos Exposure Among Family Members

When you get home and take off what you are wearing, you could disturb the particles and release them into the air, so not only are you going to breathe them in, your family will too.

You cannot tell when asbestos is in the air or is hurting your lungs.

Asbestos will not make you cough or sneeze or make your skin or throat itch. So, if you are unsure if the dust on you is asbestos, treat it as if it is and change your clothes, clean yourself and wear the required PPE.

No amount of asbestos is considered safe.

Thinking it's only a tiny amount and won't do any harm could see you have an asbestos-related disease. Mesothelioma is the most common that only takes a small amount of exposure. Asbestos workers' families have gotten mesothelioma from the dust they brought home on their clothes.

Take action now to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of asbestos exposure. Remember to follow proper handling procedures on construction sites, including changing out of work clothes, bagging them up, and laundering them as soon as possible. Don't risk your or your loved ones' health by taking asbestos particles home with you.

For further assistance with your business, talk to Stallard Kane’s Health and Safety Team by calling 01427 420 402 or emailing and #oneoftheteam will be happy to help.