Management Liability Insurance

Standing by you and your key people when it matters most

What is Management Liability Insurance?

Management Liability Insurance protects you, your key employees (directors, officers, senior managers) and your company from claims being made against them.

Typically, Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) Liability Insurance is the main cover under a management liability policy. There is added protection for your company through Employment Practices Liability (financial protection against employee claims) and Corporate Legal Liability (cover for claims against your whole company instead of individuals).

A management liability claim could be brought against you by your shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, creditors and regulators.

Why does my business need it?

The way your business operates, its finances, benefits and management activities could expose your staff and your company to many risks. Managing and minimising these risks is both a concern and a priority for you and your key decision makers.

With a rise in employment claims, the ever-present risk of bankruptcy and insolvency, rapid responses needed to events such as a global pandemic and the dangerously high cost of legal action; getting the right cover in place will give you and your company’s key people the confidence to successfully carry out their work. 

What does it cover?

Management Liability Insurance varies by provider and can be tailored to suit your business needs. Cover can include:

  • Defence costs and settlements for employment claims
  • Defence costs and settlements for pension claims
  • All costs for regulatory investigations and prosecutions
  • Defence costs and settlements for pollutions claims
  • Defence costs and settlements for contract disputes

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key cover benefits

  • Comprehensive protection for you, your people and your trade
  • Flexible cover tailored to your business needs
  • Backed by connected expertise and thinking
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