Discover our Product of the Month – Bennett Christmas’ Ice Cream and Catering Insurance

Within the Ethos Broking community, our Ethos Brokers boast a wide range of facilities, specialisms and schemes to better help clients with bespoke cover and competitive premiums. To showcase everything that our group has to offer, each month this year, we will be bringing our ‘Product of the Month’ to you. This month, we are featuring Bennett Christmas’ Ice Cream and Catering Insurance.

Ice Cream and Catering Insurance – Bennett Christmas

BC Underwriting is one of the UK’s leading ice cream and catering insurance providers with over 10 years of specialism. They have developed an understanding of the risks catering businesses face and provide a unique scheme for their protection.

Who is the cover for?

This cover is designed for a wide variety of catering vans, such as coffee Piaggios, burger, pizza, fish and chip vans and also cafes and parlours. Bennett Christmas also provides associated liability cover.

Key Cover Features:

Loss or damage to vehicles

  • All damage caused to the vehicle insured.
  • Damage caused to permanent fixtures and fittings, windscreens and glass breakage.
  • Replacement of locks and keys if the they are lost or stolen.

Discounts available for low mileage and Voluntary Excesses.

Want to know more?

To find out more about this cover, visit the BC Underwriting website to get a quick quote, or call their specialist team on 01444 810 444

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